DisgaeaD20 Wiki

  • Red Demon
    Ogre Devil Characters gain +4 to Strength, +2 Constitution and a -2 penalty to Intelligence. The Ogre Devil are strong and hearty, but kind of lacking when it comes to any sort of intelligence.
  • Humanoid (Outsider, Demon)
  • Ogre Devils gain a +1 bonus to Natural armor due to their thick skin.
  • Medium: As Medium creatures, Ogre Devil have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
  • Ogre Devils base land speed is 30 feet
  • Ogre Devils possess resistance 5 to fire
  • Ogre Devils gain a +4 racial bonus to Intimidate checks.
  • Automatic Languages: The player's choice of either English or Japenese.  Demons also speak either Abyssal or Infernal, depending on which is the standard language of their native Netherworld (the GM will make this distinction for his or her campaign). Those with high Intelligence scores may also select any bonus language, except for secret languages (such as druidic).
  • Level Adjustment: +1

Crank the Heat (Su):
Ogre Devils deal 1 point of fire damage when attacking with a melee weapon. In addition they are considered an Ifrit for the purpose of selecting racial feats or taking racial archetypes for classes.

Flame Mastery (Su)

Ogre Devils are naturally in tune with fire. As such a Ogre Demon gains a +1 bonus to their caster level when casting a spell or using a technique that deals fire damage. In addition, save DC's for any ability you have that deals fire damage are increased by +1 as well.

Finally, All Ogre Devils possess the following capability.

  • Reformed Demon:  A demon so holy and valiant that he finds himself out of place within the Netherworld may opt to become an Angel Trainee, either willlingly or by exile from the Netherworld's Overlord. Either way, they must be trained in Celestia over the course of two weeks to become a Reformed Demon. and must be accepted by a Seraph Angel to be nominated as an Angel Trainee. If the Demon succeeeds his training, he loses all of his Demon abilities and gains Angel abilities instead. Though they essentially become angels, Reformed Demons maintain their frightening demonic appearance, the only difference being a shift of eye color from blood red to a light blue or golden color, as a sign of their reformed nature.
